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Frequently Asked Questions

Updated on 11/02/2023

Athletics FAQS

• I paid the athletic fee, does that mean my son/daughter is registered?
       No, you still will need to register your child via Big teams.

How do I register my student athlete for their sport season?
       Go to – Sign in/Create account – follow
       prompts fill out information for athlete as well as primary guardian – Complete
       registration documents and upload to account – once everything is
       completed/approved you have successfully completed registration for your

• Do I have to complete registration for my student athlete for every sport?
       Yes. When you first create or sign into your account it will ask what sport(s) your
       child is interested in. If you check all sports they plan on participating in for the
       school year, you will have registered them for all selected sports.

• I have multiple children playing sports, do I have to make a separate account for each
of them?


• I’m having a hard time uploading my student athlete’s registration documentation. Can
I just bring in a hard copy?

       No, it is imperative that you upload your paperwork through the BigTeams
       website. We are happy to help with any technological issues.

• Can my child try out without a physical?
       No, it is state mandated that your child be cleared for physical activity prior to
       their admittance to tryouts. (See registration steps)

• During tryouts for sports teams are cuts performed?
       Yes, for both Middle School and High School

• If my student athlete makes the team does that guarantee play time?
       No, playtime is earned. Playtime is only guaranteed for middle school B & C
       teams. For more information please see the athletics handbook.

• I paid the athletic fee, but my student athlete didn’t participate in that season, can I
get a refund?

       Yes, you are eligible for a full refund if you paid for a season and your athlete
       either didn’t make the team or never attended practice. Please email (VPA, AD
       for refund) or you have the option to apply the athletic fee paid to a future
       season within the same school year.

• What does my athletic fee go towards?
       Athletic fees help pay for a number of things such as, athletic equipment,
       uniforms, field rentals, bus rentals, general maintenance and other
       miscellaneous items.

• Where can my student athlete go after school if they have an afternoon/evening
practice or game?

       If your athlete’s practice/game is right after school (3:30pm) they are expected to
       wait in the cafeteria until 3:15pm when they are allowed into the gym. If they are
       waiting an hour or more after school for practice/game, they need to either be
       picked up and brought back or signed up for homework club which is available
       after school until 5:30pm with the exception of Wednesdays.

• How much is homework club and how do I sign my student athlete up for it?
       Homework club is $150 (for athletes) you can sign up for this after school care

• Homework club is not open on Wednesdays where should my student athlete go until
their practice time?

       Athletics will provide a location for athletes to do homework while waiting for
       their practice to start on Wednesdays.

• Can my student athlete play two sports in one season?
       Yes, however games and practices may conflict with each other. We ask that you
       stay in constant communication with both Coaches involved in this scenario.

• Does Veritas provide transportation for sporting events around the Valley?
       No, it is the responsibility of the parent to transport their child to and from
       games. (We suggest carpooling with other families if this is difficult)

• Can my 5th grader tryout for a sports team?
       No, tryouts are available starting in 6th grade.

• My student is homeschooled, can they still tryout for sports?
       Yes, if they live within the district’s territory.

More About Frequently Asked Questions
